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Small Ruminant Range

Small Ruminant Range

There is an increasing need within the dairy sector for technology that is capable of milking small ruminants. milkrite | InterPuls small ruminant range has been developed over years of research and close cooperation with breeders. Focusing on maximising the profitability of the milking process while maintaining a high level of comfort for the animals, the small ruminant range from milkrite | InterPuls benefits the farmer and the animal alike.

Triangular Liner Collapse (TLC) for the Small Ruminant Range (SRR):

This new concept for milking sheep and goats brings together many years of experience and knowledge in milking point technology. Providing the small ruminant market with a liner that uses the TLC concept but fits into a round shell, this design enhances animal comfort during the milking process whilst ensuring an effective milking. 

The new design of the Silicone TLC sheep and goat liner brings milkrite | InterPuls TLC concept to the small ruminant range. The massage section or barrel of the TLC liners gently cradles the teat, permitting uniform teat massage and blood circulation whilst preventing teat end pinch. This is often not seen with traditional standard round liners, where teat end pinch is more frequent. milkrite | InterPuls TLC concept promotes comfort, teat & udder health and increased milking efficiency.

The features and benefits of the TLC SRR are:

  • The liner collapses in a balanced way, exerting an even three-way pressure on the teat, reducing teat damage.
  • Triangular liner design helps to improve overall teat condition.
  • Promotes animal comfort during the milking process, creating a relaxed parlour environment. 
  • Enables efficient milk extraction, while maintaining animal comfort.

Related Products

Impulse Air Goat 

The Impulse Air is not exclusive to cows. The Impulse Air Liner and Cluster technology can also be set up for goats, resulting in faster milking and a reduction in the risk of teat damage.

The features and benefits of the Impulse Air Goat are:

  • Faster milking
  • Better teat health
  • Goats milk comfortably
  • Optimised milking performance
  • Lightweight material
sheep and goat clusters

The round liner Range for Sheep and Goats  

In addition to the Impulse Air for Goats, milkrite| InterPuls also offer a round liner range for sheep and goats. This range includes the ITP206, specifically for installation with automatic detaching systems. We also offer the ITP205 & ITP207, which fit to our Optiflow III sheep & goat wash trays. This range is designed to increase the automation of the milking process, creating less hassle and more comfort for the animal whilst maintaining a stable, controlled vacuum on the teat.


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